The latest EU financing initiative for Africa and the Neighbourhood countries needs to shed more light on its processes if the private sector is to play its role in bringing a massive € 88 billion worth of development to these regions. There is a real danger, according to Ines Ferguson, Chair of EFCA’s European External Aid Committee, and Business Development Director at the multinational consulting engineers TYPSA, that fewer good projects will be put forward for investment because project developers cannot access appropriate and timely information. ‘More transparency is crucial,’ says Ms Ferguson.
The private sector is the new ingredient in the European External Investment Plan (EIP) which was launched toward the close of 2017. In times of decreasing aid budgets and growing development needs, the EU hopes private companies will provide significant investment finance to make existing funds go further. Over €4 billion of grants are being made available over the next three years to leverage a further € 44 billion in bank loans and private investment. If EU Member States and other partners match the funding, the EU anticipates a total potential pot of € 88 billion for development projects. Many of the energy and infrastructure projects planned will be through public-private partnerships (PPPs).
Huge opportunities
‘The opportunities are huge,’ declares Ms Ferguson, ‘and can help create a productive export for the EU as well as sou… pobierz PDF