Zapraszany do lektury grudniowego wydania biuletynu EFCA w którym znajdą Państwo artykuł członków SIDiR: Marcina Mikulewicza oraz Pawła Zejera.

Five steps to improve public procurement and help reach targets for climate change

Public authorities are being given a helping hand by the consulting engineering sector, as they wrestle to balance quality and price when commissioning public services like hospitals or transport systems. The pressure of going for the cheapest option is leading some to value the initial price of a project more than sustainability – moving away rather than towards the EU goals in climate change and energy efficiency. New industry guidance, however, is already helping to create projects that better fulfil the needs of people and environment, while also reducing costs in the long-term.

The 5-step guidance, deceptively simple but potentially so far-reaching it could change the reality of the built environment, is being launched by the European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations (EFCA). It is purposely short, simplifying…

Pobierz Voice of EFCA – December 2018